Construction comparable to high-strength concrete, that requires a fraction of cost in maintenance over time as well as being flood, fire, earthquake, and zombie proof.
We are committed to building the healthiest homes in the world. Everything from the positive energetic impact of natural materials, the endorsement from a world-leading doctor in mold and fungus and also being gluten-free.
SIREWALL enables remarkably low energy usage for things such as heating and cooling as well as the main construction material being local aggregates and sands.
While certainly a matter of taste for many, the aesthetics of SIREWALL is in a completely different category than traditional construction. And not only for the eyes. The acoustics for sound and music are exceptional while automatically dampening the volume of any requests for chores being shouted out.
If you still need an explanation for this one, it's probably not for you. Suffice to say that Po the panda would happily live here.
For our business model – redefining how a business can be run to better nurture people, the planet, and profits. Instead of consuming the earth and having a business that serves itself, we elevate all aspects of life with our company. Helping to bring a regenerative business model to the world.
For the Earth beyond "sustainable" –
our goal is to regenerate (not just offset or maintain) the planet. The more we grow and succeed, the more we will have a net positive impact on critical aspects of the earth.
For People –
our customers, staff, suppliers, and the communities in which we work. We are committed to elevating the joy and quality of peoples’ lives.
Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) Award for Innovation in Architecture,
World Architecture Festival, Holiday Category Winner
Governor General’s Medal in Architecture (Canada)
SIREWALL selected for Living Building Challenge and LEED Platinum Van Dusen Botanical Gardens in Vancouver, BC
Given the limited capacity we have on our consulting and building end we are only available for people looking to operate from similar values and intentions, and help us launch a new way of doing things in the world. A good sense of humor and a dash of political incorrectness will also be required. If you would like to dig in some more, please let us know. Reach out if you are curious and would like to be more informed, have specific questions you would like to have answered, are seriously looking at partnering up on a build and need a full consultation, or are just lonely and need someone interesting to talk to...
Meror is the inventor of SIREWALL, he has 40+ years in the construction industry and 25+ years in the research and development of the SIREWALL system.
Joss now operates the Canadian branch of SIREWALL and works with the SIREWALL USA core team to help manage the US operations.
Michael is the head of operations and management of the US branch of SIREWALL.
Mercedes supports operations and construction of SIREWALL USA.
We are looking for Joe – The Go Getter!
We are looking for Joe – The Go Getter! *
Our employees are committed and passionate about what they do. Employee’s work environment is creative, supportive and requires teamwork. We are team and family.
*A “Joe – Go Getter” is a mythical creature that is proud of their work, is precise with a tape measure and capable of critical thinking. On our world class project this mythical creature adapts seamlessly to the tasks at hand and any changes that comes his/her way, with consideration for the impacts on budget, timeline, and other team members. Through a collaborative and caring environment a “Joe – The Go Getter” excels in the quest to guard “The Rock of FJA”**. A “Joe – The Go Getter” acts with the clients’ best interests at heart and is able to provide the best solutions and value possible.
** Mythical creatures are often claimed to have supernatural powers or knowledge or to guard some object of great value. The Rock of FJA is our symbol of optimal value.
All Rights Reserved | SIREWALL USA